Complaints Procedure




We aim to provide our patients with the best care we can and would like to hear from you if you think we have done something well, or if you have suggestions on how we could do something differently. Equally, we know that there will be times when our patients or their carer believe our standards are not of an acceptable level.

We would encourage you to speak to whoever you feel most comfortable with – your doctor, a nurse, a receptionist, or manager, but if you prefer to give your feedback in writing, please Contact Us using either the online form or our postal address.

We would also welcome your comments, concerns, and ideas through our Patient Participation Group.

You can also give your feedback on the care given both good and bad using our colleagues at I Want Great Care


How to Complain

You can complain in writing, by email or by speaking to a member of staff. You should make your complaint within 12 months of the incident or within 12 months of the matter coming to your attention. This time limit can sometimes be extended if it is still possible to investigate your complaint.


Who can complain?

Anyone can complain, including young people, a family member, carer, friend or your local MP can complain on your behalf with your permission.


What can I expect if I complain?

We will:

  • acknowledge your complaint and investigate it properly
  • keep you informed of progress and tell you the outcome
  • treat you fairly, politely and with respect
  • reassure you that your care and treatment will not be affected as a result of making a complaint
  • offer you the opportunity to discuss the complaint with our complaints manager
  • take appropriate action following your complaint

Who can help with your complaint?

South East Complaints Hub

If you have a concern or complaint about a GP or the practice, you can ask South East Complaints Hub to oversee the management of the complaints process.

Visit the Frimley ICB website



Healthwatch is an independent organisation who will listen to your views and share them with those with the power to make local services better. 

You can visit their website by clicking here or call 03000 68 3000 to find details of your local branch. 


The Advocacy People 

The Advocacy People are an Independent Advocacy Service who are available to support you and represent your views when making a complaint – they can accompany you to meetings to discuss your complaint and provide support or an interpreter. 

The Advocacy People, PO Box 375, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 9HU 


If you remain dissatisfied with the response from the practice (or NHS England where your complaint was investigated by them) then you have the right to refer your complaint to the Health Service Ombudsman. They would require a clear statement of what issues remain outstanding. 

The Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman Millbank Tower,  Millbank, London SW1P 4QP