Code of Conduct 



  1. You must be a patient or carer of a patient registered at Martello Health Centre
  2. Personal issues cannot be addressed through this group. If you need to provide personal feedback, relating to services provided to you as a patient, please contact a member of the Practice Management Team who can assist you.
  3. We will all demonstrate flexible listening, and support to delivering results as a group.
  4. Recommendations for improvement to the practice should be discussed with the PPG and agreed with the Practice Management Team.
  5. All views are valid and will be listened to.  Silence indicates agreement so please make sure you voice is heard.
  6. A virtual group is also in place allowing the Practice to receive views/feedback from a wider part of the practice population, who may not be able to attend face to face (or Zoom) meetings.
  7. Honesty is welcomed, as is respectful challenge to suggestions or discussions. We ask that we all remain courteous and respectful to our colleagues and all staff in the practice.
  8. Please note confidentiality of any issues relating to patients must not disclose personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 2018.